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Awards & ScholarshipsPleasure in the job puts perfection in the work - Aristotle AEG has several awards that recognize the contributions our members make to the Association and to the profession. It is our members that make the effort each day to provide public safety and protect property. The following awards are just some of the ways AEG acknowledges these efforts. Most award nominations can be submitted electronically. Click on the specific award to obtain information about the nomination process and to access the submittal link. Advocacy Award – Nominations due March 15. The AEG Advocacy Award will be made to the person or group whose advocacy and outreach work best promotes the value of geological practice among the general public and/or a legislative body. AEG Publication Award – This award recognizes the most outstanding paper published in the Environmental & Engineering Geoscience journal during the previous fiscal year. Awardees are chosen by the editors of the journal. Claire P. Holdredge Award – Nominations due March 15. This award is presented to a member(s) for a publication in the past 5 years that has been judged to be an outstanding contribution to the advancement of the profession of engineering geology. Douglas R. Piteau Outstanding Young Member Award – Nominations due March 15. This award is presented to an outstanding member of the Association who is below the age of 35 who has excelled singly or in combination in technical accomplishments, service to the Association and/or service to the engineering geology profession. Floyd T. Johnston Service Award – Nominations due March 15. This award is given to a member of the Association who has provided active and faithful service to AEG for a period of at least 9 years. Current members of the Board of Directors and Executive Council are not eligible for nomination for this award. Honorary Members – Nominations due March 15. AEG confers an honor of such high esteem that the distinction is recognized as a membership class: Honorary Member. This recognition is given to those persons whose careers have exemplified the ideals of our organization. Jahns Distinguished Lecturer – Nominations due January 31. This award was established in 1988 in co-sponsorship with the Engineering Geology Division of the Geological Society of America to provide funding for a distinguished Engineering Geologist to present an annual series of lectures at academic institutions, in order to increase awareness of students about careers in Engineering Geology. This award is given jointly with the Engineering Geology Division of the Geological Society of America to a distinguished engineering geologist to present a series of guest lectures on a subject in engineering geology at educational institutions throughout the United States. This lectureship honors Richard H. Jahns and is intended to increase awareness about careers in engineering geology and to encourage students to enter the profession. Karl and Ruth Terzaghi Mentor Award – Nominations due March 15. This award recognizes outstanding individuals for their achievements as mentors throughout their career. The recipient should be an individual who has made lifelong efforts in providing professional, ethical, and technical mentoring for environmental and engineering geologists. Outstanding Environmental and Engineering Geology Project Award – Nominations due 90 days before the BOD Meeting, approximately March 1. This award is presented to an engineering project in recognition of the contributions made by the project. Projects selected for this award must display national significance, demonstrate applications of environmental and engineering geology, show recognition and respect for the environment, history and culture of the project area and provide an opportunity for public education. The OEEG Award nomination requirements have been streamlined. For more info, click on the award name linked above to view the revised nomination criteria. Outstanding Chapter Award – Annual Report & Application Packet due August 15. This award was established by the Board of Directors in 2001 to honor a Chapter of the Association judged to excel in a number of areas including Professional Activities, Communications, and Membership. Outstanding Reviewer for Environmental & Engineering Geoscience Journal Award – This award is given to an individual who has provided extended service by reviewing numerous manuscripts. Awardees are chosen by the editors of the journal. Outstanding Student Chapter Award – Application packet due June 15. The AEG Board of Directors established the Outstanding Student Chapter award in 2001 to honor the AEG Student Chapter judged to have excelled over all others in a given year. The award is AEG’s way of recognizing a Student Chapter for its outstanding performance. Schuster Medal – The Schuster Medal is a joint award from the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists and the Canadian Geotechnical Society that recognizes excellence in geohazards research in North America. Student Professional Paper Award – Paper submittals due by May 1. This award acknowledges the professional written work of student members through the Student Professional Paper Award, which is given to an undergraduate and graduate student for the best professional paper. The winning papers are published in the Environmental & Engineering Geoscience journal and each student receives a cash award at the Annual Banquet. In addition the President may present special awards to members who have contributed to the profession or mission of AEG. Chapters also present awards in recognition of professional or service achievements of members to the Chapter. |