Technical Work Groups


Technical Working Group Responsibilities

Association Technical Working Groups (TWG) are formed and managed to provide service to the membership as and when needed. TWG Leaders should strive to meet the following minimal goals for each year of tenure:

  1. Provide the AEG NEWS Editor with a TWG activity report, news item, meeting notice, or important literature references each quarter
  2. Seek to organize and hold symposia at Annual Meetings and in cooperation or as a co-sponsor with other professional/technical societies and organizations
  3. Organize and present individual papers at chapter and Annual Meetings
  4. Promote the publication of Journal papers dealing with the specialty topic of the TWG
  5. Innovate other areas of activity appropriate to the TWG
  6. Provide semi-annual report of activities to the Vice President/President-Elect at least 30 days prior to each Board of Directors meeting

AEG Technical Working Groups 

Technical Working Groups are established by the President to pursue a technical task or engineering/scientific issue, which is of importance to the membership and in accordance with the objectives of AEG. Co-chairs are appointed by the President. Committee members are selected from the membership by the co-chairs. Major goals of Technical Working Groups are as follows:

  1. Monitor new developments in the special technical fields, bringing them to the attention of the membership through timely articles in the AEG NEWS and website
  2. Cooperate with other professional/technical societies and organizations in organizing and presenting seminars and conferences on the TWG's technical specialty
  3. Formulate draft policy statements and position papers for Board consideration in a professional and timely manner.


The Immediate Past President is the Coordinator of Technical Working Groups and shall provide coordination among the Groups, liaison between the Groups and the Board, and distribution of Association information to various Technical Working Group Chairs.