Give back to AEG as a Volunteer!
"Volunteers don't necessarily have the time; they just have the heart" - Elizabeth Andrew
Interested in applying your time and talents to benefit AEG's members? We're always looking for Committee members! Please email AEG headquarters to let us know of your interest and we'll get you in touch with the applicable Committee Chairperson.
Committee Responsibilities AEG committees are formed and managed to provide service to the membership when needed. Committee chairs should strive to meet the following minimal goals for each year of tenure:
- Provide the AEG News Co-Editors and AEG headquarters with a committee activity report, news item, meeting notice, or important literature references each quarter;
- Seek to organize and hold symposia at Annual Meetings, and in cooperation or as a co-sponsor with other professional/technical societies and organizations;
- Organize and present individual papers at chapter meetings and the AEG Annual Meeting;
- Promote the publication of Journal papers dealing with the specialty topic of the committee;
- Innovate other areas of activity appropriate to the committee; and
- Provide a semi-annual report of activities to the Vice President/President-Elect, at least 30 days prior to each Board of Directors meeting.
Committees are activated or deactivated by the President, in consultation with the Executive Council and/or Board of Directors. Co-chairs are appointed by the President and Committee activities are managed by the Vice President/President-Elect. Chairs hold office for an indefinite period of time, based on personal interest and productivity and the pleasure of the President.
Coordinator of Committees The AEG Vice President/President-Elect is the Coordinator of Committees and provides coordination among the committees, serves as a liaison between the committees and the Board, and distributes information among the various committee chairs. Standing Committees Standing committees are permanent committees that implement the objectives of the association and provide continuity concerning certain business and administrative functions. The chairs of standing committees are appointed by the President from among members of the association. Committee activities are generally reviewed semi-annually in the AEG News.
For more information on Operational Committees and Technical Working Group.