Outstanding Student Chapter Award

The AEG Board of Directors established the Outstanding Student Chapter award in 2001 to honor the AEG Student Chapter judged to have excelled over all others in a given year. The award is AEG’s way of recognizing a Student Chapter for its outstanding performance. The award is also intended to help revitalize and encourage student chapters by challenging them to excel in a number of areas.

Application for the award should be made for the preceding academic year. The required application can be made in the form of the annual report of the chapter activities that is required by the student activities coordinator on the home campus or as a report directly to the AEG Board of Directors (BOD). 

Submit an Application

A committee composed of members from the Student and Young Professional Committee to review the applications. The committee selects the Outstanding Student Chapter and two runner-up chapters and presents its selection to the President of the Association at least 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting.

Nominations are due June 15 and should be submitted to Headquarters. This award shall be presented to a representative of the chapter at the Annual Meeting. The award shall consist of a certificate, a cash award, and registration for up to two student representatives at the Annual Meeting. Runner-up chapters will receive certificates and smaller cash amounts.

Judging Criteria:

  1. Number of chapter meetings and attendance.
  2. Number of field trips and attendance.
  3. Attendance at chapter meetings.
  4. Attendance and talks at AEG's Annual Meeting.
  5. Talks at section student nights and total student attendance at the event.
  6. Outreach to other campuses to start new student chapters.
  7. Number of members at the time of the report and percentage increase from prior year.
  8. Fundraising activities.
  9. Help at chapter level: meetings, short courses, etc.
  10. Help at AEG's Annual Meeting and Board Meetings.
  11. Number of applicants (and recipients) to Marliave, Stout, and Tilford Scholarships.
  12. Other awards the chapter or individual students have won.


2002 – Colorado School of Mines
2003 – University of Wisconsin, Madison
2004 – Portland State University
2005 – Portland State University
2006 – Kent State University
2007 – Portland State University
2008 – Portland State University
2009 – University of Wisconsin, Madison
2010 – Radford University
2011 – Portland State University
2012 – Portland State University
2013 – Colorado School of Mines
2014 – No Award Bestowed
2015 – No Award Bestowed
2016 – Portland State University
2017 – Wake Tech Community College
2018 – Rutgers University - Newark
2019 – University of Utah (First place) and University of Alaska Fairbanks (Second Place)
2020 – No Award Bestowed
2021 – No Award Bestowed
2022 – No Award Bestowed
2023 – No Award Bestowed
2024 – Wake Tech, Portland State University