Holdredge Award
The Holdredge Award, first established in 1962 by the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists, is named in honor of Claire P. Holdredge, a founding member and the first President of the association. The award is presented for a publication by an AEG Member(s) within the 5 previous years that is judged to be an outstanding contribution to the Engineering Geology profession. Nominations for this award are made by the membership at large to the Awards Committee. The Committee, at its discretion, selects a candidate from the nominees for confirmation by the President. The award, not necessarily conferred annually, is presented at the Annual Banquet.
Nominations are due by March 15.
1965 |
George A. Kiersch, The Vaiont Reservoir Disaster, Civil Engineering, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 32–39, 1964 |
1967 |
F. Beach Leighton, Landslides and Hillside Development, in Engineering Geology in Southern California (R. Lung and R. Proctor, eds.), Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists Special Publication, pp. 149–206, 1966 |
1968 |
Lloyd B. Underwood, Classification and Identification of Shales, American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, vol. 93, no. SM6, pp. 97–116, 1967 |
1970 |
J. F. Poland, Land Subsidence Due to Withdrawal of Fluids (coauthor, G.H. Davis), Geological Society of America, Reviews in Engineering Geology, Vol. II, pp. 187–269, 1969 |
1971 |
Manuel G. Bonilla (two papers) 1. Surface Faulting and Related Effects, in Earthquake Engineering (R. L. Wiegel, ed.), Prentice Hall, pp. 47–74, 1970. 2. Effects of the Earthquake of March 27, 1964, on The Alaska Railroad (coauthor D.S. McCulloch), U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 545D, 1970 |
1972 |
George M. Hughes, Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois (coauthors, R. A. Landon and R.M. Farvolden), U.S. Public Health Service Bureau of Solid Waste Management, Cincinnati, Ohio, 137 p., 1969 |
1974 |
Robert F. Leggett, Cities and Geology, McGrawHill, 1973 |
1975 |
Frank Netterberg, Calcrete in Road Construction, [South Africa] National Institute for Road Research Bulletin 10, CSIR Research Report 286, 73 p., Pretoria, 1971 |
1977 |
Shailer S. Philbrick, Kinuza Dam and the Glacial Foreland, in Geomorphology and Engineering (D.R. Coates, ed.), Dowden, Hutchison, and Ross (Stroudsburg, PA), pp. 175–197, 1976 |
1978 |
David L. Royster, Some Observations on the Use of Horizontal Drains in the Correction and Prevention of Landslides, Proceedings of the 28th Annual Highway Geology Symposium, Rapid City, South Dakota, August 10–12, 1977 |
1979 |
Douglas R. Piteau, Regional Slope Stability Controls and Engineering Geology of the Fraser Canyon, British Columbia, in Reviews in Engineering Geology, Vol. III, Landslides, Geological Society of America, pp. 85–111, 1977 |
1980 |
A.B.A. Brink, Engineering Geology of Southern Africa, Vol. 1, Building Publications, Pretoria, 1979 |
1981 |
Christopher C. Mathewson, Engineering Geology, Merrill Publishing, 1981 |
1983 |
David L. Royster, Landslide Remedial Measures, Tennessee Department of Transportation Publication Authorization 101, 1982 |
1984 |
Roy E. Hunt, Geotechnical Engineering Investigations Manual, McGrawHill |
1987 |
Perry H. Rahn, Engineering Geology An Environmental Approach, Elsevier, 1986 |
1988 |
Roy E. Hunt, Geotechnical Engineering Techniques and Practices, McGrawHill, 1986 |
1989 |
John T. McGill, Geologic Maps of the Pacific Palisades Area, Los Angeles, California, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I1828, 1989 |
1990 |
Robert B. Johnson and Jerome V. DeGraff, Principles of Engineering Geology,John Wiley and Sons, 1988 |
1991 |
Richard W. Galster and the Washington State Section, Engineering Geology in Washington, Volumes I and II, Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Bulletin 78, 1989 |
1993 |
George Kiersch, The Heritage of Engineering Geology; The First Hundred Years, Geological Society of America, Centennial Special Volume 3, 1991 |
1995 |
Bernard W. Pipkin and Richard J. Proctor, Engineering Geology Practice in Southern California, Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists Southern California Section, Special Publication 4, Star Publishing, 1992 |
1996 |
David J. Varnes, The Slumgullion Earth Flow: A Large-Scale Natural Laboratory (coeditor, W. Z. Savage), U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2130, 1996 |
1997 |
A. Keith Turner and Robert L. Schuster, Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation, Transportation Research Board Special Report 247, 1996 |
1998 |
Syed E. Hasan, Geology and Hazardous Waste Management, Prentice Hall, 1996 |
1999 |
James P. McCalpin, Paleoseismology, Academic Press, 1996 |
2000 |
Frederick G. Bell, Environmental Geology: Principles and Practice, Blackwell Science (U.K.), 1998 |
2001 |
Samuel R. Bartlett and Mark McKeown, Engineering Geology Field Manual, Second Edition, Volume 1, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1998 |
2003 |
Sir John L. Knill, Core Values: the First Hans Cloos Lecture, in Engineering Geology for Developing Countries, Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the International AEG and the Environment, Durban, South Africa, 16-20 September 2002 – J. L. van Rony and C. A. Jermy, Editors |
2004 |
Fred G. Bell, Engineering Geology and Construction, Spon Press (U.K.), 2004 |
2005 |
Earl W. Hart, Ridge-Top Spreading in California, Contributions Toward Understanding a Significant Seismic Hazard, California Geological Survey, CD 2003-05, 2003 |
2006 |
William C. Haneberg, Computational Geosciences with Mathematica, Springer, August 2004 |
2007 |
Paul Santi, Douglas D. Boyer and William Pat Rogers, Engineering Geology in Colorado: Contributions, Trends, and Case Histories, AEG Special Publication No. 15 and Colorado Geological Survey Special Publication No. 55: and A. Keith Turner and William Pat Rogers, History of Engineering Geology Development in Colorado (a paper within the publication) |
2008 |
Harry S. Audell, Field Guide to Crack Patterns in Buildings: A Guide to Residential Building Cracks Caused by Geologic Hazards, AEG Special Publication No. 16, 2006 |
2009 |
Allen W. Hatheway, Julie C. Keaton and Robert M. Valentine, Perspectives: A Collection of Lessons Learned from a Career of Intense Practice in Engineering Geology, AEG Special Publication No. 13, 2005 |
2010 |
William R. Lund, Tyler R. Knudsen, Garrett S. Vice and Lucas M. Shaw, Geologic Hazards and Adverse Construction Conditions – St. George-Hurricane Metropolitan Area, Washington County Utah, Special Study 127, Utah Geological Survey, CD 2008 |
2011 |
Terry R. West, Geology Applied to Engineering, Waveland Press, Inc., 2010 |
2012 |
Eldon Gath, Neotectonics and Paleoseismology of the Limón and Pedro Miguel Faults in Panamá: Earthquake Hazard to the Panamá Canal (coauthors, T. Rockwell, T. González, C. Madden, D. Verdugo, C. Lippincott, T. Dawson, L. A. Owen, M. Fuchs, A. Cadena, P. Williams, E. Weldon, and P. Franceschi), Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 100, No. 6, pp. 3097–3129, December 2010 |
2013 |
Allen Hatheway, Remediation of Former Manufactured Gas Plants, and Other Coal Tar Sites, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2012 |
2014 |
Patrick Barosh and David Woodhouse, Civil Engineering Practice - A City Upon a Hill: The Geology of the City of Boston & Surrounding Region, Boston Society of Civil Engineers, 2012 |
2015 |
Nazrul Khandaker, Geoengineering Constraints on Foundation: Case Study from Queens, New York City, USA (coauthors, S. Schleifer, A. R. Slaughter, M. Ahmed and B. A. Sayeed), Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 5, no. 14, 2015 |
2016 |
Jeff Keaton, Engineering Geology: Fundamental Input or Random Variable? (J. L. Withiam, K. K. Phoon and M. H. Hussein, eds.), Foundation engineering in the face of uncertainty: Geotechnical Special Publication 229, The Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 232-253, 2013 |
2017 |
Steve D. Bowman and William R. Lund, editors: Utah Geological Survey Circular 122, Guidelines for Investigating Geologic Hazards and Preparing Engineering-Geology Reports, With a Suggested Approach to Geologic-Hazard Ordinances in Utah |
2020 |
Peter Bobrowsky and Brian Marker, Encyclopedia of Engineering Geology |