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Virginia Geologist WorkgroupThe Virginia Geologist Workgroup (VGW), a group of concerned Virginia Geologists, are pleased to announce that positive changes to the Geology profession were made in the 2024 Virginia General Assembly. House Bill 287 and Senate Bill 184 were signed by Governor Youngkin and became effective on July 1, 2024. The definitional changes adopted into the Virginia Code were significant in that they described the practice of Geology as being a “professional service” and defined the purpose of such services being “to enhance and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public and the environment”. The VGW is honored to continue our partnership with AEG in our mutual desire to strengthen the geology profession in Virginia. We seek to introduce additional bills in the 2025 Virginia General Assembly. It is our goal to elevate the Geology Profession to a similar level of importance and need as those professionals currently practicing Engineering, Architecture, and Land Surveying within the Commonwealth. The 2025 General Assembly can be a watershed moment for the Geology profession, and we need your support. We need your financial assistance to help fund our efforts. Changing law does not come for free and takes much planning, educating, and meeting with legislators. Additionally, we need concerned individuals within the Commonwealth to contact their state representatives (https://whosmy.virginiageneralassembly.gov/) and voice your support for the strengthening of the geology profession. On behalf of the VGW, AEG and practicing geologists we thank you for your support of this important cause. Click here** to donate to continue certification and promote licensure of geologists in Virginia for protection of the public welfare and the safeguarding of life, health, property, and the environment. Donate Online Now**If you prefer to send your donation via check, please mark “Virginia Geologist Workgroup” in the memo field and mail to: AEG Headquarters Geology Bills in Virginia - 2023 Update