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Land SubsidenceThis group, dormant for many years, reformed in 2021-- sponsoring the first annual symposium on land subsidence at the AEG annual meeting in San Antonio. Through the annual symposiums this group informs the membership of the occurrence and magnitude of land subsidence throughout the world caused by natural and anthropogenic processes including fluid extraction (groundwater, hydrocarbons, brine), subsurface void collapse (mines, karst, tunnels), thawing permafrost, peat decomposition, post glacial adjustment, hydro compaction, natural compaction and tectonics. The group endeavors to present current information on subsidence processes, monitoring techniques, infrastructure damage, modeling, remediation, and regulation through communication with AEG professionals and those in the ASCE, UNESCO Land Subsidence International Initiative Committee on Land Subsidence, university researchers and public agencies. Co-Chairs: Jim Borchers, David Hibbard, Jennifer Wilson Contact the Coordinator of Working Groups Chair or AEG headquarters to get involved. |