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Coastal HazardsThis Coastal Hazards Technical Working Group is charged with disseminating information, organizing conferences and workshops, developing training, and writing general and technical articles regarding geologic hazards along the coasts of the United States—Atlantic, Arctic, Caribbean, Great Lakes, Gulf, and Pacific. This group will foster the integration of engineering and environmental geologic information into policy and management actions in order to reduce the nation’s future vulnerability to these hazards and to create more resilient and sustainable environments along the nation’s coasts. Chairs: Curt Schmidt, Rick Kolb, Cheryl Hapke Coastal Hazards
Storms, tsunamis, and rising sea levels threaten U.S. coastal communities, ecosystems, and economies. Much of the nation’s existing coastal infrastructure must be adapted to expected future conditions or relocated. New coastal development and post-storm reconstruction should be planned, sited, and maintained with coastal geologic hazards clearly in mind. Coastal Hazard Resources
The Immediate Past President is the Coordinator of Technical Working Groups and shall provide coordination among the Groups; liaison between the Groups and the Board; and distributing Association information to various Technical Working Group Chairs. Contact the Coordinator of Working Groups Chair or AEG headquarters to get involved. |