MembershipJoin today. Start by selecting which membership type is right for you. If you a renewing your membership, please make sure to log into the system to update your current membership. Membership year is January 1 - December 31. Please Note: $10 from each member fee goes towards the licensure fund
For more information on AEG's membership categories, click here. In addition to our membership fee, AEG’s Chapters individually collect a nominal annual fee to help supplement their local activities. Citizens of the United States are typically assigned to one Chapter along with their membership. A list of each of the Chapters’ fees is provided here: AEG Chapter Fees. Why should a practicing geologist be part of AEG? The benefits of AEG membership are many, but the simplest answer is that you can increase your technical and business knowledge, enhance your career opportunities, network with your peers, participate in professionally led fieldtrips, and have fun in the process. Our members have voiced that AEG is often their leading source for professional networking and obtaining timely, practical information through AEG’s publications and meetings. Benefits include:
Career Resources
Professional Development and Continuing Education Units (CEU)
Discounts and Cost Savings
For a full list of all the benefits AEG provides, please review our Benefits of Membership Brochure. Have additional questions, were here to help? Contact us at [email protected]. |