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What is ABET and Why Should I Care

What is ABET?
ABET is a nonprofit, non-governmental agency that provides voluntary accreditation to college or university programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology. This accreditation is assigned to the program not the institution.  ABET also offers the opportunity to provide specialized accreditation for post-secondary programs within degree-granting institutions already recognized by national or regional institutional accreditation agencies or national education authorities worldwide. 

ABET has been accrediting programs since 1932 with approximately 175,000 students graduating from ABET-accredited programs annually.  As of May 2023, they have 4,564 accredited programs worldwide, 895 institutions with accredited programs in 40 countries.

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Why is it Important to be Licensed to Practice Applied Geology?

If you are currently in college, taking courses and studying with the goal of becoming an Applied Geologist, your instructors may or may not be preparing you toward becoming licensed as a Professional Geologist (P.G.). Since licensure is not required for academia to teach geosciences, not all professors and faculty are familiar with the licensing requirements that you, as an Applied Geologist in a consulting, industry or governmental capacity, will need to attain.

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