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AEG Executive Council Statement on DiversityAEG supports diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Geosciences profession and in our organization. AEG leadership promotes these values by challenging ourselves on what we can do better to encourage underrepresented populations to consider and obtain careers in the Geosciences and to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment within our Association and the Geosciences profession. DEIC's Annual Meeting eventsThe DEIC meets monthly and serves as an organization committee to support AEG's diverse and historically underrepresented membership. DEIC also plans events at the Annual Meeting including
AEG Progress Flag LogoWhat is this for? Why now? How will it be used? The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee- one of our most active AEG committees has been working since 2019 on supporting our existing membership and elevating their personal stories as they relate to being an underrepresented person in both AEG and the profession of geology. The DEIC calls are welcoming to everyone to share their stories and concerns, as well as a place to celebrate and elevate voices. As a way to create an emblem affiliated with AEG that promotes inclusion of all of our genders & colors, the above logo was created. The colors on the Progress flag indicate the following: Red = Life The AEG logo was placed on top of the Progress flag to intentionally touch each color of the flag - and provides a symbol of unity and support among the many ideas and communities represented within the flag’s colors. This logo-flag is for use by AEG members who wish to identify themselves as a safe space, ally, and/or member of AEG’s DEIC. By displaying this logo (in an email signature, on a lapel pin for in-person events) the member agrees to be knowledgeable of the anti-discrimination policy already in place within AEG’s operating policies and serve as a trusted ally to the DEIC’s inclusion efforts. Download AEG Progress Flag Logo: Small | Large DEIC Introduction LetterIt is no secret that the geosciences are among the least diverse of the STEM fields, and the leadership of AEG recognizes its responsibility as a professional organization to address this important issue. Accordingly, in July 2020 the AEG Executive Council issued the following statement, and placed it prominently on our website’s home page. Framework for Addressing Racial and Ethnic Equity in Geosciences Professional SocietiesGeoscientists address humanity’s relationship with the natural world and environmental problems of importance to all of society. Our critical mission attracts talented students and professionals from all walks of life and across all dimensions of personal identity. However, as a result of systemic racism and a lack of access, we have failed to attract, retain, and advance Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) geoscientists. BIPOC geoscientists have been met with obstacles and barriers that majority geoscientists typically do not face. Furthermore, the interconnected nature of social categorizations (e.g. the intersectionality of race, class, disability status and gender) mean that many BIPOC geoscientists bear even greater burdens and risks inside and outside of their geoscience specialties. This exclusionary environment must stop. The careers and well-being of our colleagues and the health of our discipline depends upon concerted, systemic, strategic, and urgent anti-racism action. DEIC ResourcesThe DEIC Committee has compiled a variety of resources including articles, videos and education programs. |