AEG News

AEG News - Spring 2024
Volume 67, Number 2


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Digital copies are accessible to all AEG members in good standing. Yearly subscriptions can be purchased through AEG Headquarters.

Past AEG NEWS Issues

Click here to view. Available to Members only.

Submit Content or Advertise in AEG News

The AEG News is published five times a year, with the regular issues published in Spring, Summer and Winter; the Annual Report and Directory issue in March, and the Annual Meeting Program with Abstracts issue in September.

To submit materials, please send files via email, preferably as attachments, to Martha Whitney, Acquisitions Editor.

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To advertise, please contact AEG Headquarters.

Directory (March) – Due January 15
Spring AEG News – Due February 15
Summer AEG News – Due May 31
Annual Meeting Program with Abstracts (September) – Due July 19
Winter AEG News – Due October 26

Style Guide
AEG News style guidelines are available here.