Historical Documents
Position Statement: AGAINST - SB01821 - Repeal of the Professional Geologist Licensing Act
Why to retain licensing of geologists, well drillers, pump service contractors by opposing SB1821/HB1969
Suggested Geology Practice Act
Model Law
Section Discussion Memo
PowerPoint - Outline for Section Discussions
Join the licensure discussion on AEG's LinkedIn Group
Arizona Licensure Threat Letter to Governor
Arizona Licensure Threat Letter to Representative
Arizona Licensure Threat Letter to Senator
HB2613 Opposition Letter to Committee Members
How California Citizens Benefit from a Geology Practice Licensure Act
Update on teleconference with IDFPR, Illinois Senate Republican Staff, and Sen Pamela Althoff regarding repeal of Professional Geologist Act. May 5, 2017
Successfully Resisting the Repeal of Illinois' Professional Licensing Act - The Chicago Way
History of Licensure in Oregon
The Value of Licensing Geologists in Texas: Background Information for SB 405
SAWS Letter to Sunset Commission
TXOGA Letter to Sunset Commission
AEG Letter to Sunset Commission
ASCE Letter to Sunset Commission
ASCE Sunset Letter to State Senator/Representative
ASCE Sunset Staff Report Letter (2018)
Opposition to abolishing the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists and repealing the Texas Geoscience Practice Act
Calling Your State Senator or Representative
History of Geological Licensure - Washington State
Washington Licensure